Geometry Assignments                                                          Chapter 10 Circles



Lecture Topic

Assignments (due next class)

M 3/7/16

Axiom Packet

Complete axioms for 10.1 & 10.2

T 3/8

10.1: The Circle

10.1: 439/ 11-16, 20, 23 

NOTE: Provide exact values; leave answers in terms of π.

W 3/9

10-2: congruent chords

10.2:1-13 odds


No classes Thursday or Friday:

Freshman retreat


M 3.14

Pi day!
10-2: congruent chords

10-2 day 1 Q & A: all periods

10-2: 2-12 evens (skip 6 & 8)

Update system through 10.3

T 3/15

No classes – Juniors, ACT testing


W 3/16

10.3: Arcs of a Circle

Finish packet (scans of 1-20 from text)
Notes from periods 5, 7, and 8 

R 3/17

10.4: Secants and Tangents

External tangents

10-3 Key

Blank packet for 10-4. Scans of 1-9, 11 & 12
10-4 Notes: P8, P7, P5


For Your Entertainment:
Nutella Banana Bread Recipe
(This recipe makes 2 loaves.)


F 3/18

10.4: Secants and Tangents

Walk around

·         More Notes, and Walk Around for 7 & 8
(5th period’s “Walk Around”—exercise 4 on page 2— on “More Notes” link)

·         Finish packet (that is 10.4: 10, 13-19)

·         Update system. It should be completed through 10.5.

M 3/21

10.5: Angles related to a Circle

·         10.4 Q&A, selected answers

·         Notes, 1-17 odd, 18-29 all

Update System to 10-6 (due Monday when we return from break)

T 3/22

Mixed Review/ Practice  Key
Handed out in class

Quiz Content:
4 Fill in proofs (2 pts each reason, 34 points)

15 Algebra problems (2 pts each, 30 points)

·         Find the length of the chord

·         Concentric circles

·         Central angles

·         2 Two-tangent

·         1 External tangent problem

·         1 Walk around problem

·         8 from 10-5

W 3/23

Quest 10.1- 10.5


Easter Break


M 4/4

Review Assignment,
Cooperative Assignment

Class notes

Update system to include 10.6 & 10.7

T 4/5

10.6: More Angle-Arc Theorems

Blank: 10.6, selected exercises
Periods 5 & 7, complete the homework and classwork as homework.
Class notes

W 4/6

10.7: Inscribed and Circumscribed Polygons

10.7 selected exercises

R 4/7

10.8: The Power Theorems

10.7 Q&A (all periods)

10.8 blank

10.8 notes: p8 p7 p5

F 4/8

10-9: Circumference and Arc Length  & review

Find exact values, that is leave answers in terms of roots and pi.

M 4/11

Review (bring books)


T 4/12

Quiz 10-6 through 10-9
 ASN due today

Quiz postponed due to high absenteeism.

ASNs were collected, graded, and returned.

Started 11.1: Understanding Area. Notes & selected exercises in class.

W 4/13

Quiz 10-6 -- 10.9
ASN due (if you didn’t hand it in yesterday).