Geometry Assignments 
Chapter 9 The Pythagorean Theorem



Lecture Topic

Assignments (due next class)
(all assignments must be completed on graph paper)



9.1: Review of Radicals and Quadratic Equations

9.1: 367/ 1-13 (Leave answers in exact square root form.)

Notes: P8, 7, 5


F 1-29

More 9.1 practice

Factoring Review




M 2-1


9.2: 1-17* Notes

T 2-2

Mixed practice 9.1-9.2





Factoring Flow chart

Factoring Re-learning Assignment

 Scanned sheet P 395: 15-61 odds – 24 exercises
Always check your work:

1.    Multiply your factored form. It should result in the original problem.

2.    Graphing calculator

a)    Enter the original problem in y1

b)    Enter your factored version in y2.

c)    On the graph, they should trace each other.

3.    Online help:

W 2-3


Scanned sheet P 395 16-62 even – 24 exercises

Practice Quiz

Practice Quiz Key

2-4 & 5

 St. Ignatius Retreat


Practice makes permanent, please do a little factoring every day.

Thursday: Scanned sheet P 404-405 every other odd (that is 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, … 97) – 25 exercises
Friday: Scanned sheet P 404-405 every other even (2, 6, 10, 14, 18, … 98)  -- 25 exercises




M 2-8

Altitude-on-Hypotenuse Theorems

Altitude-Hypotenuse worksheet 1

Altitude-Hypotenuse worksheet 2

From last week:
Practice Quiz

Practice Quiz Key

From today: Factoring Q &A plus intro to alt-on-hyp
Alt-on-hyp worksheet examples/explanation

T 2-9

9.3: Altitude-on-Hypotenuse Theorems

Short Quiz on Radicals, Factoring, & Circles (9.1 – 9.2): No calculator

9.3: 377/ 1-17 all, 21

W 2-10

9.4: Geometry's Most Elegant Theorem

9.5: The Distance Theorem

9.4: 384/ 1-27, 31

9.5: 392/1-21 odds, 22 


R 2-11

Work day

P 7 & 8 notes

F 2-12

9.6: Families of Right Triangles

Short Quiz, 9.3 – 9.5 

1-18  Notes

Must be completed using the method shown in class.

This will be collected and graded on correctness and whether you followed directions.




M 2-15

9.7: Special Right Triangles


9.7: 405/ 1-10, 12,

Chapter review, p 429, 1-16

In class cooperative work

T 2-16

9.8: The Pythagorean Theorem and Space Figures


9.8: 413/1-6, 14, 15

Chapter review (p 429) 24, 27, 29, 30

W 2-17


In class cooperative work

R 2-18


In class cooperative work

5th: green sheet for homework

F 2-19

Period 7

9.9: Introduction to Trigonometry

Story of Chief SohCahToa
9.9: 1-16, 18  notes

F 2-19

Periods 5 & 8

Test 9.1-9.8

Cooperative work collected




M 2-22

Periods 5 & 8

9.9: Introduction to Trigonometry

Story of Chief SohCahToa
9.9: 1-16, 18 

M 2-22

Period 7

Test 9.1-9.8


T 2-23

Sophomore Wellness morning

Morning classes will not meet
(Follow administration’s instructions)

W 2-24

More depth of 9.9

Go over homework.

Started 9.10 in class.

See notes:  Period 5, 7, 8.


Periods 5 & 7: Homework is 9.10: 10 (written up neatly to hand in)

Period 8: 1-10 (to hand in)

R 2-25

9.10 again

Period 8: 9.10 (12 – 15)

Periods 5 & 7: 9.10 (1-12, 15)

F 2-26

More word problems: angles of depression and elevation

Q&A (all sections)

In class: 1 – 4

Homework: 5 – 6 

M 2-29

Mixed Review

In class: 7 - 15

Homework: 8-15

T 3-1

Mixed practice

Pop (small) quiz – draw triangles & set up equations (do not solve)

In class:16 – 19

Homework: 20-22

W 3-2

Mixed Practice/Review

R 3-3

Trig Assessment (9.9, 9.10)


Last modified 2/24/16